The Law On Forced Vaccination

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Written By AndrewPerry

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One state in particular – Massachusetts – has been in focus for its Pandemic Response Act that now allows the governor to declare a state of emergency and treat common citizens as terror suspects if they do not submit to forced vaccinations.

Despite the vociferous opposition from civil liberties groups, parents’ forums, lawyers, consumer groups and other protesting, concerned and enlightened citizens, the House of Representatives in August 2009 gave the bill a resounding thumbs-up.

Never before had any American state allowed the police to intervene in healthcare and vaccination. This legislation outrageously allows the police to forcefully enter people’s homes without a warrant, forcefully quarantine residents, remove children from their homes and vaccinate them against their own will and that of their parents, and gives the state’s governor the power to impose martial law. Of course, common citizens resisting any such attempts “in the interests of public health” can be jailed without charges or a trial.

As far as the law is concerned, when a state of pandemic is declared, citizens seem to have little choice but to submit to the State or face criminal charges. And the State, as it were, follows the diktats of the WHO, which has 194 signatories. This means that potentially, the populations of 194 countries could be subjected to measures such as those adopted in Massachusetts if their respective governments so choose!

These inexplicable measures – dubbed by many as ‘Gestapo tactics’ – have sparked a debate on what recourse citizens have when confronted by such tyranny. Many adults, parents and others have formed forums that take the anti-vaccination cause to their state’s representatives in the hope that persuasive means will convince their political representatives not to use coercive tactics against the population.

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However, it’s an uphill task when you view mass vaccinations in a historical perspective. The law in favor of mass and forced vaccination dates back to the 19th century, when smallpox was rampant. This evoked a public backlash even then, with some states deciding to overturn these stringent laws.